girl-aflame's Diaryland Diary


Plugs 'n' Bugs

*sighs* I must be PMS'ing.. I went into my sister's room to close the window and I heard this flapping around. It was coming from the direction of the box fan in the corner. First I thought it was a roach. I nearly jumped out of my skin. On the whole, I'm not too girly about things like bugs and mice and stuff but I am deathly afraid of roaches. Almost phobia afraid. The big kind, I mean. The little normal cockroaches don't bother me. It's the huge water bugs that I can't stand.

Anyway, then I figured out what it was. Cassiana has a bug project due. She has to get ten bugs and put them in baggies and label them. My sister had caught this large green moth and put it in a styrofoam coffee cup with a lid. She had put it in there two days ago, and it was still flapping around trying to get out. I almost cried! I wanted so badly to set it free but my grandmother wouldn't let me. They need it for their project...

So she put it in the freezer to kill it. It broke my heart...

Does that make me a wimp?

Brian managed to get a few SMS's through to me tonight. He's had meetings all week. Tuesday was with DF, Wednesday was with the Danish Tenents Association - his ex-wife's landlord is trying to break their lease and he's been writing letters to the Tenent's Society. Now they want him to represent them in that part of the country - tonight was with his youngest daughter's school, and tomorrow is the DF chairman elections. Apparently he's now a member of the Tenent Society board. *sighs* I wish he would stop and think about things before just plunging headlong into them. Friday he's going to be elected as chairman of the county, he has his senior thesis due in about a month, and now apparently he's joined up with the tenent's society, and he's on the school committee at his son's school. As well as taking care of three children and trying to balance our visits. Why in God's name would anyone want to be that busy all the time? He commits himself to all these things then he complains about never having any time to do anything. *shakes my head* stupid.

I got two new linkers today. introibo and elliorange. Introibo came over from infinidox. I had checked him out before too but somehow I got to another diary, called introboi, that hadn't updated in more than 3 months. So now I've got the correct SN for him. His poetry is awesome.. nearly as good as aquietboy. But, I have to say... it would be pretty damn hard to beat aquietboy. The only people I've known to do it are already famous, i.e. Leonard Cohen.

Speaking of infinidox, btw, he's wanting to do this guest week thing, where people come in and write an entry as though they were him. He wants me to do it but I'm about as funny as a pine cone enema, so, I thought I'd try to get a replacement. If you read him, or are interested in doing the guestweek thing and are genuinely funny (ineednoname, herodthenut, how about one of you guys?), how about checking it out? You'll get to plug your site and it will be fun...

I can't remember how I found elliorange, but I remember reading this really really candid entry of hers, all about sex and masturbation. And I was impressed that she could write so freely on her diary. I suppose I could, if I ever wanted, but I have a weird feeling some of the people who read me would NOT want to read that sort of thing - including Jayme. So I really admire her and am honored to have her as a linker.

In the meantime, I lost two linkers, emptygaze and yuta-shohei. Emptygaze left D-land, and I don't know why yuta took me off, so soon after putting me on... but I suppose it's just as well. I can hardly spell her SN.

leeners, my boss over at designviews has asked me to do a new template for the site, which I'm tickled to be able to do. I asked her if we couldn't get a new layout some time ago.. I don't think the current one looks very appealing and that's kind of silly, since we are a template review site. She was looking at my template site, which I guess I could get all snazzy like and call my portfolio, and asked me to do it.

Ok, I don't think any of this matters to anyone but me *laughs* so I'll say goodnight now. I just wanted to welcome my two new linkers, and vent a little about the moth *sniff*

9:09 p.m. - Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003


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