girl-aflame's Diaryland Diary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend Hello When I was a child I had a fever Hello Diaryland. I debated on writing this all week. One, because I wanted to keep it an archive to another lifetime. To another me. I’m not that girl anymore, burning and burning without end. Oh, I still feel fires at times, but these days they’re more warm comfort than unchecked destruction. It’s been ages since I wrote any poetry, I’m sad to say. It seems I had to breakup with my Muse to get the happy ending I was always wishing for. Except it wasn’t across the ocean. It was in my own backyard, just like Dorothy always said it would be. I went back to Kansas, back to black and white and left the technicolor fever dream of youth behind me. But, if anyone who ever knew me when I was so full of conflict and contradiction sees this, I want you to know that I made it out. I’m happy, truly happy. Not happy every moment. It doesn’t happen like that outside of the story books. But happy. In love with the one I married (Bradley), doing the career I always saw myself doing. I got the education I was so desperate for. I found the financial stability I never knew growing up. And still some coincidences now and then, to let me know I’m on the right path. It was all worth it, in the end. 11:46 p.m. - Friday, Jan. 27, 2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |