girl-aflame's Diaryland Diary


More On The Matrix

A few other things I wanted to mention about The Matrix that I couldn't fit into my first entry because it would have broken the poetic mood:

1) I liked this one MUCH better than the second one, although the best one is unquestionably the first. But this one had less gratuitous sex, less bad acting, less blatantly choreographed fight scenes, and less relying on the regurgitation of old special effects presented as a new, innovative concept. All those things just made the second movie come off as ridiculous and trite, and while examples of all those flaws exist in the third one, they are certainly less frequent and less glaring.

2) Dick showed up to the movie. I couldn't believe it. I was supposed to let him meet Guy, but there wasn't time. Guy got here at 3:30 and we had to leave by 5. I had to get ready in that time, as well as introduce him to a bunch of people, and we had to make two trips to South Housing, which is about 10 minutes away from Lakeside, where I am. We also had to get him a visitor's pass from public safety. But I thought Dick was going home this weekend, so I thought I had missed my chance to introduce them after we had to leave for the movie without doing it. I was kind of glad though because I thought the other boys on his hall might tease me in front of Guy, or make some comment to Guy about Dick infringing on his girl or something. They tease me about being Dick's girlfriend a lot. But anyway, Dick showed up at the movie, along with his two brothers and half of the sword club. I have no idea why he picked that showing, at that theatre, on that night, but there he was... so he got to meet Guy but it was only like, "Dick this is Guy, Guy this is Dick." Given their respective names, it could be pretty humorous. Well.

3) Here are pictures. We looked kick ass cool, let me tell you. Guy didn't have Neo's priest coat, which is a shame because he actually owns a REAL priest coat he could have worn but would have been sacriligous to him, so I didn't mention the idea. If it had been mine I so would have worn it, however. He also wasn't up for the idea of borrowing my regular cloth trench coat which is closer to what Neo had in the first one, even though it's completely unisex and you could never tell it was quote unquote a "woman's" coat by looking at it. It looks just like any other FBI trench coat. And Yancey was Agent Smith, a role he was made for (even though he looks nothing like Smith. But Yancey has the attitude to pull it off, and that's what's important). So anyway, the pictures:

(Click them to see them on a wider screen, without this entry box)

(Trinity and Neo, both looking very sexy if I do say so myself - especially Neo, but he doesn't have his sunglasses on in this one. :-/)

(Neo and Agent Smith, as played by the coolest boy in the world - Yancey - and the most beautiful boy in the world - Guy.)

Here's a link to Yancey's blog for more awesome pictures, and some commentary on what it was like to see the film in costume: Watershed Week

I think Guy's visit was a huge success and I'm looking forward to seeing him again, definitely. I'm kind of excited about our 6 month anniversary coming up, too. I need to think of a good, small present. Something with sentimental value more than monetary value, just because I don't want to buy him something and then have him feel bad about not buying me something because I don't expect him to or think he will; this is going to be a surprise for him, so it really should just be something of an emotional token. Wow, 6 months. *smiles* Sounds like a long time.

I feel proud, minions. And I feel good.

2:30 a.m. - Sunday, Nov. 09, 2003


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